Acute on chronic squared: more on the future of humanitarian aid

“Unfortunately the world is going to see more disasters in the future, particularly natural disasters related to climate change.” Acute on chronic squared:  more on the future of humanitarian aid [Note:  I am working on a long post (chapter) on this topic, but I wanted to get this out separately.] Below I continue presenting and commenting on the 311 comments make by our survey respondents in answer to Q60 about the “future of humanitarian aid.”  See here for my previous post.   In Haiti After the Earthquake Paul Farmer describes this 2010 event as “acute on chronic.”  Certainly this description could be used to describe other natural disasters in areas that have a history of marginalization including the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, numerous Afghanistan-Pakistan earthquakes in the last 20 years,  and the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan that hit the Philippines. The list goes on. A contrasting example of acute not-on-chronic would be the … Continue reading Acute on chronic squared: more on the future of humanitarian aid